We have different study styles:
Manal has a calculator on her at all times.
She has never studied without the use of her lap as a table.
She frequently has hand cramps from the amount of problem solving her right hand does.
She has more stacks of paper than anyone I've ever met (with jargon that I will never understand covering them)
She's a electrical engineer major and I don't know how she does it.
My brain would explode.
Me on the other hand,
I can't study without a bazillion candles lit (ambiance is everything right?)
I don't have stacks of paper because my entire major is organized in neat (or not so neat) files on my hard drive.
If my computer were ever stolen I'd be in a big heap of trouble.
Tea (and lots of it) is a study necessity (Manal would agree).
My eyes hurt from staring at my screen so much.
Perfect way to show our study techniques :) haha what would I do without my lap. It's not like o have a table right in front of me :)
Love the procrastination!!! Hope that external hardrive is working for you!!
Merry Christmas...see you in 10 days.
A little inspiration.
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