
Becca & Adam

How adorable is little 4th grader, Adam??
Becca is one of my best friends from elementary school and the last time I saw Adam he was probably 2 years old
(funny story, when Adam was born, Becca wanted her parents to name him Chandler. Yes, like Friends.)
They wanted to give their parents updated photos of them for Christmas and here are a few of my favorites!


Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

Great photo shoot. Can't believe how Chandler, oops I mean Adam, has grown up. Becca, you look great and what a wonderful gift to your parents. They will love them. Great job Meghan!!

♥ ♥

Tom said...

That's the little "baby" that Becca's folks would bring to all your basketball games? Who knew? What a great gift for her parents! What a great gift for any child(ren) to give to any parents... hmmmmmm... great idea... hmmmmm... ;)


itsamuktha said...

Nice blog..!!! I love all the pictures in your blog.. :)